For the last 4 years, Nottingham City Transport has marked Armistice Day with a Poppy Bus to raise awareness for the British Legion. This year is no exception and it comes with a beautiful story in remembrance of our local heroes.
In 2013, NCT named one of their buses after Warrant Officer Sean Upton of the 5th Regiment Royal Artillery, who died in an explosion while he was on foot-patrol in 2009. This year, in his memory, Nottingham City Transport has chosen to adorn his bus in poppies for their remembrance campaign. The Nottingham Post reported that his father, a dedicated NCT driver for 36 years before his retirement in 2012, was absolutely thrilled by their decision and is very honoured.
Nottingham City Transport expressed that “with the Royal British Legion asking the nation to Re-think Remembrance this year and recognise the sacrifices from today’s generation of Armed Forces too, it’s only fitting that this year’s Poppy Bus should be the bus named after a local hero who made the ultimate sacrifice for his country”.
Nottingham City Transport is very proud to support the Armed Forces and offers year-round support to the cause. The Poppy Bus is a significant part of this support, as each year it acts as a huge visual reminder of the sacrifices many people make in times of conflict. The Poppy Bus will be serving many different routes across Nottingham over the next few months.
The British Legion was formed in 1921 with the main purpose of caring for those who had suffered as a result of service in the armed forces during the War. This care and support has continued ever since and is still as relevant today as it was after then; with a new generation of veterans and service personnel that need our support.
If you would like to support, volunteer or donate to the Poppy Appeal, please click here.