Buses got their names after a hat shop in France! The word “bus” itself comes from the Latin word “Omnibus” but this was actually a reference to “Omnes Omnibus,” which was the name of the hatter shop located next to the first bus station in Nantes, France back in 1823, which was in turn a Latin pun on the name of the owner, “Omnès”.
The world’s largest bus is in Beijing and can carry 300 passengers.
Brighton and Nottingham have the highest levels of bus journeys per person at around 160 journeys per head of population in the latest year; around 10 times the level of more rural areas such as Somerset and Herefordshire, and more than three times the average outside London.
South Lancs Travel were founded in April 1998.
NCT operates 23,175 hours’ worth of services per week. This is about 1.2 million per year.
NCT routes cover 405,387 kilometres per week. That’s over 21 million every year.
75% of Nottingham’s principal bus operator’s current fleet, Nottingham City Transport, has ‘next stop’ audio and visual announcements. NCT aims for this figure to be at 100% by 2016/17.
A high passenger capacity bus has the ability to substitute 36 cars on the road.
Sources: www.carpenterbus.com/2014/01/5-fun-factsbuses, www.busandcoach.travel, www.omgfacts.com, www.webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk, www.nctx.co.uk, en.wikipedia.org